About Jason
I'm a Professor of Political Science at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. I received by Ph.D from Washington University in St. Louis in 2005. My research and teaching focuses on American political institutions with an emphasis on the U.S. Congress, congressional elections, and election administration. My current projects include a project on personal relationships in Congress and on election administration in North Carolina.

Jason M. Roberts
Professor of Political Science
jroberts [@] unc [dot] edu
314 Hamilton Hall
CB 3265
Chapel Hill, NC 27599
The Politics of Ballot Design: How States Shape American Democracy. 2020. Cambridge University Press. With Erik J. Engstrom.
Ambition, Competition, and Electoral Reform: The Politics of Congressional Elections Across Time. 2013. University of Michigan Press. With Jamie L. Carson.
Why Not Parties?: Party Effects in the United States Senate. 2008, University of Chicago Press. Co-edited with Nathan Monroe and David W. Rohde.
The American Congress. 10th edition, 2019. Rowman and Littlefield. With Steven S. Smith and Ryan J. Vander Wielen.
Refereed Articles
``Careerism, Status Quo Bias, and the Politics of Congressional Apportionment.'' Journal of Historical Political Economy. 2 (October 2022) 391-414.
``Inter-Personal Relationships and Legislative Collaboration in Congress.'' Forthcoming, Legislative Studies Quarterly. With James Curry.
``Nomination Struggles in the Post-Nuclear Senate.''The Forum. January 2021. With Emily M. Cottle.
``The Electoral Consequences of Roll Call Voting: Health Care and the 2018 Election.'' Political Behavior. 2020. With Austin Bussing, Will Patton, and Sarah A. Treul. Replication data.
``Obstruction and the Politics of Civilian Nominations.'' American Politics Research. 48 (May 2020) 414-421. With Nicholas O. Howard.
``The De-Institutionalization of Congress.'' Political Science Quarterly. 133 (Fall 2018) 475-495. With Anthony J. Chergosky.
``The Dimensionality of Congressional Voting Reconsidered.'' American Politics Research 44 (September 2016) 794-815. With Steve Haptonstahl and Steven S. Smith.
``The Cost of Majority Party Bias: Amending Activity Under Structured Rules.'' Legislative Studies Quarterly. 41 (August 2016) 633-655. With Michael S. Lynch and Anthony J. Madonna.
``Party Committee Targeting and the Evolution of Competition in U.S. House Elections.'' Journal of Elections, Public Opinion, and Parties. 26 (February 2016): 96-114. With Jacob F. Smith and Sarah A. Treul.
``Short Term Goals and Long Term Effects: The Mongrel Tariff and the Creation of the Special Rule in the U.S. House.'' Journal of Policy History. 28 (Summer 2016) 318-341. With Scott A. Hendrickson.
``The Politics of Obstruction: Republican Holds in the U.S. Senate.'' Legislative Studies Quarterly. 40 (May 2015): 273-294. With Nicholas O. Howard.
``The Development of Special Orders and Special Rules in the U.S. House, 1881-1937.'' Legislative Studies Quarterly. 35 (August 2010): 307-336.
``The Statistical Analysis of Roll Call Data: A Cautionary Tale.'' Legislative Studies Quarterly. 32 (August 2007): 341-360.
``Candidate Quality, the Personal Vote, and the Incumbency Advantage in Congress.'' American Political Science Review. 101 (May 2007): 289-301. With Jamie L. Carson and Erik J. Engstrom.
``Redistricting, Candidate Entry, and the Politics of Nineteenth Century U.S. House Elections.'' American Journal of Political Science. 50 (April 2006): 283-293. With Jamie L. Carson and Erik J. Engstrom.
``Minority Rights and Majority Power: Conditional Party Government and the Motion to Recommit in the House, 1909-2000.'' Legislative Studies Quarterly. 30 (May 2005): 219-234.
``Strategic Politicians and U.S. House Elections, 1874-1914.'' The Journal of Politics. 67 (May 2005): 474-496. With Jamie L. Carson.
``Pivotal Politics, Presidential Capital, and Supreme Court Nominations.'' Congress and the Presidency. 32 (Spring 2005): 31-48. With Timothy R. Johnson
``Presidential Capital and the Supreme Court Nomination Process.'' The Journal of Politics. 66 (August 2004): 663-683. With Timothy R. Johnson.
``Procedural Contexts, Party Strategy, and Conditional Party Voting in the U.S. House of Representatives, 1971-2000.'' American Journal of Political Science. 47 (April2003): 305-317. With Steven S. Smith.
``Are All Amateurs Equal? Candidate Quality in the 1992-1998 U.S. House Elections.'' Politics and Policy. 30 (September 2002): 482-501. With Stephen C. Roberds.